Episodes: Listen Now to The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast — The Successful Bookkeeper

EP06: Perry Monaco - How To Create A Profitable LinkedIn Profile

Written by Michael Palmer | Oct 18, 2016 1:08:27 AM


It's likely the most powerful business related social media network out there.

If you don't have a presence on it, it's also a huge untapped opportunity that could be the golden ticket for many more sales leads and networking opportunities for your bookkeeping business.

If you're like many bookkeepers, who don't know how social media works or seriously question if it's worth their time, you're about to find out some extremely useful information.

Our guest, LinkedIn Customer Success Leader, Perry Monaco, whose worked there 6 years and has helped many companies attract new business leads, will walk you through step-by-step on the following...

  • How to create an effective profile that will clearly communicate who you are and what you offer, so prospects will know where to find you

  • The importance of figuring out your target audience and knowing exact who they are so you can cater your LinkedIn profile to them

  • How to further boost your credibility as a bookkeeping expert by creating and sharing relevant content with your audience

To find out more about the resources Perry mentioned in this episode, visit any of the below:

learn.linkedin.com - Find various articles & videos on any LinkedIn user questions.
slideshare.net  - Look for LinkedIn channels with useful presentations and videos.
Perry Monaco's LinkedIn page - https://ca.linkedin.com/in/perrymonaco 


Michael Palmer: 01:11 Welcome back to another episode of The Successful Bookkeeper podcast. I am your host, Michael Palmer, and I am super excited about today's guest. If you're wondering how to leverage LinkedIn for your bookkeeping business, well, you have picked the right episode to check out today. Our guest is Perry Monaco who leads customer success teams at LinkedIn. He's passionate about many things including helping, helping companies and individuals achieve professional and personal success. An he loves Elvis Presley. Perry, thank you for being on the podcast. I know you're going to give us a wealth of information and we're going to get right into it. And really before we do, I'd like to get a little bit of your career path so people understand who they're listening to, biff and, and know where you're coming from before you arrived at LinkedIn.

Perry Monaco: 02:05 Well, well thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate the, the intro. I, I guess, uh, my parents will be slightly disappointed with my career path in the sense that, um, I'm not at the same job that I was at when I graduated university. I'm not the president of a company and have been the first person in my family to graduate with a university degree. And that was the expectation, uh, back then. But I've done a number of different things. I'm certainly not a linear career path. Um, I, you know, I, I feel as though if you're an engineer or a doctor, you start just go from, you know, school into that and then that's where you end up. Um, I've been in sales for a good portion of my career, or at least, uh, associated with some portion of the sales cycle. Um, for the majority of my career. 

PM: 02:55 Before joining LinkedIn, I was a recruiter and so I worked for an actual recruitment agency, so don't hate me for that, but fully immersed in their recruitment, uh, industry. And then when I moved over to LinkedIn about six years ago now, I started working with organizations to help them build a recruitment strategy. And ultimately that's what my team does now work with, we work with organizations around the world to help them build, um, social media strategy when it comes to, um, driving in in this particular sense, uh, driving talent, uh, to their industry. But so many things that we do and that we talk about are translatable to driving more business, driving more leads, driving new business, uh, increasing existing business. There are so many different things that, that, you know, a lot of the strategies are translatable in that way. So ultimately that's what that, that's what my team's goal is to make sure that a solution that an organization has invested in Linkedin is maximized, um, through all the different channels that they can maximize it. And so it's been a lot of fun. It's been, uh, quite the ride. When I joined Linkedin, we were approximately 30 people in Canada and 1500 people worldwide. And now we're over 130 in Canada, over 10,000 worldwide and just recently and currently are undergoing a, this acquisition with Microsoft. So it's a, it's been quite the ride. 

MP: 04:22 It's an incredible company and I'm sure it's been an amazing place to be and watch all the change in shift in not only at your organization but globally, the way people are interacting and working with each other through your product, which is LinkedIn. I remember when I first saw LinkedIn and that was back in early two thousands and I looked at it and I thought, you know, where's this going to go? So I didn't make it. I'm not a futurist, I guess. 

PM: 04:52 It's pretty amazing to see the evolution of what we've done both on the ground, but certainly what the site has done. You know, starting off in, in Reid Hoffman's garage as basically a virtual Rolodex and it has really now turned into a huge content machine, right? There was just a ton of content to consume on LinkedIn and there are so many different ways in which you can use it to become a better professional. Um, that certainly has changed a lot over the course of the years that LinkedIn has been around. 

MP: 05:24 Absolutely. And one of the things I talk about with all the bookkeepers I work with, number one, get a bio picture up a great picture of yourself so they know who they're talking to. And I know when you did this, this actually this podcast you said that you, you only do Skype interviews and conversations via Skype. When you're on videos you want to see people, you want to see who they are. Um, so it's, it's been a very interesting tool because I've seen it evolve as well and I use it every day and I think it's incredibly powerful. Now you mentioned you’re, 

MP: 05:58 you're focused on helping organizations, you leverage it for recruiting, which I think is very applicable to bookkeepers but as well more probably more so on the business development side. So let's get into that a little bit and you know, where do we start with a big topic like this? It's a great question and I think it's good to answer that question with a, it's okay to feel like that's a big question and to not know where to start. I totally appreciate where people would be coming from. It's in all my goodness, there's, I want to do something here. I just don't know where to start and I think a lot of people getting to that particular situation and that may either do too much of the wrong things or they don't do anything because there are paralyzed with not knowing where to go. 

PM: 06:40 Really, if you think about social media in this way, I think you're on your way to being successful on that is to imagine social media like it's an extension of what you should be doing already in real life. For me, the analogy I like to use is to imagine social media as a big party and now I use the term party, but it doesn't have to be a party could be a big meeting. It could be, you know, a small meeting, it could be whatever it is that you want, where people gather together. But if you think of the analogy of a party, think of the things that you do in preparation for, but also while you're at the party, those things really translate into what you should be doing in a LinkedIn environment as well. What you should wear to the party is an important question to ask yourself. 

PM: 07:20 That really boils down to what your profile should look like. Do I have the time to go? A completely legitimate question to ask if it's worth your time to invest in the social media strategy because it's not for everybody at this time and then who's going to be there really answers the question of who should I be talking to? Who should I be inviting to connect with? Totally legitimate questions to ask yourself. The one that is the most important and where you should start is that profile. That very first instance, that very first impression that you give someone when someone looks at your profile, whether it's your business profile or your individual profile is so important. You know, we don't do business with companies. We do business with individuals. We work with individuals. We don't work with companies. When you think of a large organization or even a small one for that matter, you don't necessarily think of their product or service. 

PM: 08:10 First. You think of the people who work there. If you know people who work there, so if you're a small business owner, if you're, if you're, if you're looking to expand your business or you're looking to hire or whatever the case may be. It all boils down to what is that first impression that I, that I give off and so you can have a very nice slick corporate website which is really easy to do these days, but guaranteed once I know who you are as an individual, the first thing I'm going to go is I'm going to go visit your profile and I want to make sure that those messages that your company is giving work with the messages that you as an individual are giving. I want to make sure that you're a reputable individual, that you have credentials, that there are recommendations there that you were telling me the story of your career, how you got to where you are. 

PM: 08:54 All of the little things that you did through your career add up to becoming an expert in the industry. And remember, for the most part, people in this industry, when they're working with the quote-unquote general public, they're automatically experts right from the get-go, right? Cause they have credentials and they have experience and they have background and answers to questions that I have that I will never have because I can't and won't do what it is that you're doing. So you're immediately an expert. This is an opportunity for you to tell me why and how much of an expert you are. So if you're to start, you really want to make sure that your profile has everything on it that you're comfortable having out there in the public space. Certainly a photo, definitely a headline that talks about the value proposition. Your summary should be nice and complete. 

PM: 09:40 You should tell me about your, uh, your past work experience. Give me an idea of your progression in your career, right? That's also important. Sometimes people for, I want to leave off some of the more junior positions that they have, but what it does show is that you have an ambition that you can grow, that you have the opportunity to, to move yourself up through the industry and through other organizations. So talk about things in the first person. Be really clear about what it is that you're trying to achieve. And lastly, remember that you're not there to speak to all 450 million members or whatever platform you happen to be on. You're not there to speak to everybody. This is not a presidential campaign. You're there to speak to your audience, so, right? So figure out who your target audience is. Is it other small businesses? Is it other medium businesses? Is it large corporations? Are these types of people within those industries? Understand what they're looking to see and hear and then speak to the language that they're going to understand and think about what it is that they're going to want to hear. That's the best place to start when it comes to figuring out what your strategy is online. 

PM: 10:48 I think that sums it up in a, in a great, and I can't wait. I can see the, the website post when we put this episode up, you know, step one, step two, step three, love the analogy of the party. You know, I think we can apply that. That should be the analogy used for all business, right? You're going to a party. What are you going to be prompt predominantly doing? You're thinking about the people that you're meeting, not just about yourself. You're portraying, you're asking questions, you're figuring out who's at the party. It's not all about you, it's about your customer. And so I have a customer though that you know, went to their LinkedIn profiles recently at a bookkeeping conference out in western Canada. And she came up and she asked me questions about our business and I said, well, let's have a look at your LinkedIn profile. 

PM: 11:37 And right away the very first thing I look at is as a pitcher and it's all, it's her logo now. The rest of the, the rest of it was pretty good. However, she buried what she had at the top was, you know, where you have the description, she had a lot of information about the aspect of bookkeeping and at the very bottom, it was like this piece about her customer and why her customer would even be interested. Now I think it, you know, I would like to hear your take on that because I would think that she'd want to have that right up at the top around, Hey, I'm a bookkeeper but this is why you should be looking at my profile and why I'm an expert as you were saying. And then can you address this issue with the pictures? Uh, people putting logos versus their personal picture? Yeah. The pitcher. One is an easy one in the sense that we, we certainly recommend 

PM: 12:27 that it is a likeness of yourself. It's a true likeness of yourself. And theoretically the logo isn't allowed, but with 450 million profiles, certainly some, some profiles get away with it longer than others. But again, going back to this party analogy, you know, if she were to show up or this person were to show up with a logo, literally pasted on their face, it seems a little odd. It seems a little strange, right? And so not only do you want a true likeness of yourself, but you also want it to be a recent likeness of yourself. You know, there's nothing worse than going to meet someone that you've had a conversation with. You've looked them up online, and when you meet them, you realize that, oh, that was a photo from your prom 35 years ago. Not a good first impression, right? You may have done all the right things digitally and over the phone, but then when you actually meet the person, there's a little bit of a Whoa, uh, that's not who I thought I was going to meet. 

MP: 13:22 So you want the photo to be a professional photo to be, to provide an opportunity for you to be approachable, right? Cause we do, especially in Canada, but certainly around the world, we like to work with people and we want to see that nice engaging face. So it doesn't even have to be a serious professional photo. It can be one with a little bit of a smile, however, it is that you want to present yourself. But think about the same way that you would walk into a party if you walked in with a scowl or you walked in with a logo on your face or may even if you walked in with a black and white photo that might not give off the right engaging personality that you want to go off. So I think the photo was important for that person to change it to their true likeness in addressing their summary Statement. 

PM: 14:03 You, actually, you're, you're very correct in the sense that that summary and the entire profile for that matter, but certainly his summary being one of the first things that people are going to see and read is it should really be speaking directly to customer first, right? Sometimes I don't even know what it is that I need from you. I just know I need someone who can help me crunch numbers or, you know, do my taxes or run my business finances or whatever the case may be. I don't necessarily need to know all of the minutiae about it yet. You know, I'm going to hire somebody based on, um, recommendations, who I know, who I know that they know their past experience, all that kind of stuff. So I want to know what you're gonna do for me as a customer. That for me is really what should be first and foremost speak to me directly as a customer. Speak to me in terms of the language that I understand as somebody who isn't an expert in this field. And then you can certainly leave some of the other details there, but you're right, the order in which those appear would probably be B below the, the detail that you're going to give me as a prospective customer, what kind of service are you going to offer me and that is going to make you different from your competitors outside of some of the technical things that I probably wouldn't even know because I'm not in this industry. 

MP: 15:16 Yeah, that's, that's fantastic. And so a couple of things. What's interesting is I didn't even know it was to the user terms, I guess of Linkedin to have not had your likeness image up there. So that's, that's super powerful. I'm going to spread the Gospel for you on that because first of all, I'm older, pretty agree with you and I love this whole Party theme that we're working with the other bit here. That's kind of interesting. As you know, bookkeepers and accountants for that matter, they're very technical people. They're detail-oriented and they, you know, that's what makes them great at what they do. Their customers are the complete opposite. So it just has me thinking about this, this description B page, and we live in a world of sound bytes now and tweets and in small bits of information. So what would be your recommendation on that description? Because she had a lot of information there that even I would just, you know, I'm not even gonna read it. So Do, do they see, would it be advantageous to put, you know, here's speak to the customer, this is what your pain is likely, this was how I solve it. Could they move up some testimonials into that? Or is that, you know, not within the user terms in Linkedin. What are your recommendations for that description? 

PM: 16:35 Well, it's really important to remember how people are consuming this information for the most part. And more than 60% of the traffic to LinkedIn right now is via the mobile device. Right? And then when you factor in, depending on who your audience is, if you're going after, you know, um, the quote-unquote younger generation, um, that number is going to be even higher, right? If you're in Asia, listening to this podcast is even higher, right? So imagine what it's like to look at your profile on your phone, on your laptop, or excuse me, on your iPad versus your laptop that gives you an A. So I, I encourage you to visit your own profile. Um, it's not an ego thing, it might be for me, but it doesn't have to be for you, but it's to critique the profile as though you were the consumer reading your profile on their phone. 

PM: 17:27 Cause, for the most part, that's how they're going to be consuming a lot of this information. So if you've got lots of detail that actually can work against you when someone's reading on their phone because you know, and everyone else knows how many times we will scroll and we won't scroll a lot. Right? And that's right. And so for, for some older folks like myself, Campbell, I can say that now cause I just turned 40. I have an iPhone five. It's a pretty small screen, but you look at some of the other screens out there, the six-plus the seven-plus all those kind of, hopefully not the note seven for those of you listening now. Um, but there's some pretty big amount of real estate for some uh, mobile devices. So try and grab a couple of different ones with friends or family and see what your profile looks like and imagine you're consuming the profile on the mobile device. 

PM: 18:11 And that will help I think with a lot of the questions around how much detail you'll know. I think the other thing to remember is that you don't have to do this by yourself. I personally recommend even if you were super creative and super outgoing and super, um, you know, everything that the stereotype of an accountant is int to get someone else to take a look at it, get someone you trust, cause somebody in your family, friends, whomever, to take a look at it and say, Hey, can you, what do, what do you see here? Is this something that works or doesn't work? Having that second set of eyes can be really helpful. So it doesn't have to be a pro or anything like that, but having somebody with a, with maybe an understanding of their style, but at the same time their own creative flair can be really helpful when you're going about creating what your digital brand looks like. 

MP: 19:06 Or any resources that around this topic that LinkedIn provides on how to write a great compelling description or anything you can think of along those rights. Cause I really liked the idea of going to people and getting their advice, but if they can start with something that's kind of the best of, we could also probably just Google it, but sure. 

PM: 19:27 Yeah, that's always, that's always a good first step. But I'll give you three places. learn.linkedin.com is obviously the place where you can go and get all of the, the great knowledge that you need to be able to help you build the profile. But also answers a lot of the questions of how do I get my password back cause I lost it. My email address doesn't work anymore. So how can I access my profile? All that kind of good stuff is there. The second place would be, go to slideshare.net um, and that you can find the LinkedIn channels there and they have some amazing presentations and videos up there that you can go ahead and take a look at. And then finally a cheap plug here, but you can visit my profile. I've got information up on my profile about how to build a good profile ways in which you can leverage some of the things that we talked about. Um, so that you can get the most out of the experience. But the first two are certainly the better of the two. I've got a couple of uploads on my profile as well that you can pull down. 

MP: 20:20 Oh, that's great. And we'll definitely have all of those links at Thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com and just go to this episode. So that's really cool. Like that. And so we've got our profile set up, we fill everything in. We've got a great description. There's a lot of things to do around this. Like, I can imagine listeners listening right now and thinking, oh, I got to go learn how to use LinkedIn. And, and I'm just gonna stop everybody for one moment here and just say this. If there's, as for bookkeepers, if you got a business that's doing under $100,000, don't pay any attention to anything else in my opinion. And Perry, you can stop me and correct me if, if you want to challenge me on this, but don't do anything but focus on LinkedIn when it comes to social media. And the reason why I say that is that there are a lot of different tools out there, but there's nothing that compares to Linkedin in terms of business to business information sharing, connecting and networking than LinkedIn. 

MP: 21:15 So if you're not a super rock star at Linkedin, that's all you should be focused on right now. Make that, that space hum. Figure out how to use it. And we're gonna get into a bit more of that. Hopefully, Perry's going to guide us through here a little bit more on how to use some of the other features of LinkedIn and the information sharing and those sorts of things. But I really just want to stress to everybody listening right now. Linkedin is a gold mine if you use it correctly and you leverage it and you really use it as a tool that it is to be successful. So I know it's a lot of work, but this is the area you gotta be focused on. Forget about Twitter, forget about Facebook right now. Those are later, perhaps, perhaps right now it's LinkedIn. 

PM: 21:54 Yeah. And that certainly the prices right in the, in the sense like there was no expectation for you to invest in any way. All of this free, right for you to build your brand on, on a professional network. I'm a, you know, especially here in Canada, I'm not going to Facebook to look for my next accountant. I'm really not. And in fact, I'll tell you where I'm going, probably more so than LinkedIn even. I'm going to my friends, I'm going to my family and when I do get those names, however, I'm going to then cross-reference those on LinkedIn and so that's where it becomes really, really important. And so it goes back to that party analogy. You should already be doing a lot of this real-life networking. You should be making sure that your friends and family know that you're looking for business and that you're growing your business and this is what your business specializes in. Make sure that there was an opportunity for them to be able to see that online as well because one of the things that you can do really easily on Linkedin is spread out that network in a much greater way than you would be able to include unquote real life. 

MP: 22:53 Yeah, absolutely. And thanks. Thanks, Perry. If we've, we forget to mention that this is, this is the piece that people are using to validate and give them the sense of confidence in actually connecting with you and perhaps even making that decision to move forward with you. So it's an, it's essential today. Absolutely essential. I don't think anybody gets hired in this world first and foremost without someone looking at a LinkedIn profile. And quite frankly, I don't meet typically anybody if I've never met them before, don't know anything about. That's the first thing I'm looking for is LinkedIn and it's really, listen, it's, there's a reason for this. It's been validated. There's a by the world, right by the users and there are some very strict user profile guidelines on LinkedIn that LinkedIn has built. So they've really made, LinkedIn's made this a very professional space to deal in. 

MP: 23:44 So they've done all that work. It's free. And so now people are using it as this really super, super powerful tool to be able to validate and give credibility to who you're, who you're interacting with, whether you're hiring them to work for you or hiring to be a contractor for you or vice versa. Absolutely right. I agree with everything you just said. So that's great. So this is a, you know, we're just trying to get the tools, right tools into the hands because what I see happening is people are tweeting away and they're going on to Facebook and all these things and that might be fun and you might enjoy it, but I just don't know that it's producing a lot of business and I think it's not the right use of your time. Everybody in this industry is constantly complaining about time. So you got to think about where's that one area I'm going to focus on? I can tell you this is an area that will give you results. Now let's move up the value chain a little bit here and talk a little bit about, you know, a lot of people are posting their, their thoughts, uh, content and content marketing. Now that's uh, you know, this is even events play that I don't know what we want to talk too much about, but I want people to understand what's happening in the world of LinkedIn around people sharing their information. 

PM: 24:59 There is a huge play and huge the opportunity 

PM: 25:02 for individuals to, uh, establish themselves as a thought leader, industry leader or whatever other types of term you want to use there when it comes to this stuff, simply by commenting, liking, sharing, and putting our content on their own. And it doesn't even have to be content they'd create. It could be the most recent industry trends in an article that was in the Golden Mail. Something about, uh, interest rates in the global mail or the Toronto Star or whatever newspaper publication is that you want to share an article out or sharing some piece of content. Maybe it was a presentation that you find on Slideshare or find on the internet somewhere that you really like and you want to share it out with your network. And remember, you're sharing this with a party. You're at the party, you're having a conversation, you're like, hey, you know what? I read this really cool article the other day. 

PM: 25:50 Have you heard about this? These are the types of things that take your profile and your presence on Linkedin to the next level. Because now, not only do I understand what you do, but now you're also letting me know that you are an expert. You're a thought leader, and that you're passionate about what you do. We're drawn to people who are passionate about things. That's just human nature, right? When somebody is passionate about something, even if it's not something that we'd ever be passionate about, I want to work with somebody who really loves what they do because that gives me the belief that what they do for me is going to be top-notch and there's going to be better than the other person who's just trying to get through the day. And certainly, we all have times where we're just trying to get through the day. 

PM: 26:28 Don't get me wrong, but those are the types of content plays that can be really helpful for you and your business to get to the next level. Um, and like I said, it's not something that you have to create, but you can if you want because you have the opportunity to publish posts on LinkedIn. Now you can do longer-form posts. So you can tell me about some of the important things that I need to know about as a layperson that I might not already understand. So there's a huge opportunity, huge play here for individuals to take that content piece and really add that fourth dimension to their profile. Really make sure that people understand that they're passionate about what they do. 

MP: 27:09 It's fantastic. And I've, I actually have some questions here, wrote that because you know, I'm sitting here, I wake up in the morning and I look at my, I'm an iPhone user and I, I look at the iPhone and I, I see pulse come up and I see the, a couple of different people, you know, they've posted information. So let's, let's just, I'm actually going to go and look. So here's one right here. It's from Paul Snow. This is a link pulse at LinkedIn and you can help explain this a little bit, but Jennifer Britton, she is a person I'm connected with and she's a master certified coach. I've actually bought stuff from her. I've done some of her programs. And here's the title. It says working with different styles in the team. And so I've got this in the morning, I see her name and I see this title about that now. I don't read them all, but she's, she's in my feed here in the morning. She's hanging out with me in the morning. Like this is crazy. So how, why is it that she is showing up on my feed versus I'm connected to a whole bunch of people. Why is she showing up on my feet and what do our listeners need to know about pulse and, and uh, both from a user perspective and as well how it really works 

PM: 28:16 Well, that algorithm in the background is working, taking in a whole bunch of different pieces of information to provide you the most relevant content in your feed. So it's looking at some of the content that you personally have engaged with in the past. It's looking at content that is being widely engaged with across the network. It's also taking a look at the types of industries and content that you like in the past as well, not just from one particular individual. And it's also taking into account some things that are, are, are just popular as well outside of any industry. There was something that came up in my profile the other day that was just, you know, had received a lot of likes and, and clearly from people that I have been connected to. And so we showed up in my news feed, but we're constantly trying to make sure that that newsfeed is as relevant as possible for you and it to your individual. 

PM: 29:03 So everyone's need fees should be different. Um, and the better that, or the more activity you have on Linkedin, the more relevant that that information then becomes a newsfeed. So the more when you do like something or you do comment on something or you do share something that's feeding the algorithm to make it better for you in the longer run. So if you're not doing anything, if you're not, if you're showing up to the party and not talking to anyone or not saying anything or putting anyone on the back, then you're not going to get a lot of response back. And that's going to be quality. But the more engagement you have with individuals at the party, the more likely you're going to get something positive out of it. Not Everything is going to be relevant just like it is in real life, but there are going to be more opportunities for relevant content delivered to you. 

MP: 29:48 The more active you are. You don't have to be active every single day even it doesn't have to be overdone, but a few times a week when you go on there maybe like that, maybe like that an article or whatever the case may be, that's going to help feed the algorithm, you know, positive way. Oh, that's great. I love, I love hearing what you're talking about and I'm starting to really get it because it is new that I've started to interact with that and I think the listeners will get a sense of the power of this. Now we've come to the party, you know we're looking great. We've put information, we're selling people what it is we do. Clearly, we're asking people questions. How do we get the, you know, this is a way to get kind of interacting and the party is going like and connect with your customers and like things that they're posting. 

PM: 30:33 How can we get more of a crowd around us if you will at the party or are there any suggestions that you'd give us for there? One of the biggest reasons why charities fail is because they don't ask anyone for money. They find it really awkward. So a lot of times some of the best strategies is to ask people to like your stuff. One of the biggest ways people get retweets on Twitter is they ask people to retweet at the end of their tweets. So think about that. If there are some things that you are really passionate about or you want to share and you want to get some activity, ask people to comment on it please or give them a call to action at the end of your article. If you're writing an article or the at the end of your status update, if you like this, please retweet. 

PM: 31:18 If you, I have a question for you. Based on what's in the article, answer it below. Um, those things help drive some activity back to your profile. But remember that the, the amount of profile, the level of profile engagement that you're gonna get if you were to compare something to other social networks may not necessarily be at as high at the beginning because we are dealing with people's professional identities here versus their personal identities on Facebook or depending on what type of Twitter account they have. So you may not get as high of a, of an engagement rate as you would in some other platforms, but the quality is much higher in the sense that when people do engage, they're engaging with a professional profile. Um, but we also know that the data tells us that they are consuming it. It's not just, just, they may not be acknowledging it, but it's being, it's out there. 

MP: 32:06 People are reading this stuff, they are engaging with it. Um, so if you engage with it just a little bit, you're an ask people to engage with it back. Yeah. You're going to get a pretty high level of engagement. Yeah. But it's also not like one thing. It's not like one Twitter is going to change. One tweet, excuse me, is going to change the world unless you're Kim Kardashian perhaps, or Donald Trump for that matter. But it's a series of tweets as a series of updates on LinkedIn. It's a series of engagements over an extended period of time that really starts to help you build up momentum. That's right. And the, to use your analogy of the party, it's like you've 

MP: 32:40 moved to a new town, you come to one party, you think you're going to be the mayor of the town. Uh, it's not going to happen. You've got to hit that party on a weekly basis again and again, build relationships with people, but be, be there and be hanging out. And that really comes back to that, where are you gonna spend your time, spend it on Linkedin, go out and be a role model of what you want to have happen for yourself. Correct. So share other people's information, share your customer's information, connect with your customers. Be the kind of person that you want them to be to you. And that's exactly what will happen. Yup. Perry, I know we've gone a little bit over time here with your schedule and I want to be cognizant of that. Is there anything you'd like to share about what's going on at Linkedin? New things coming. We're going to have all of this, all these great links up on our site, so if there's anything that you'd like to share, uh, let us know and we can have that up as well. 

PM: 33:30 Well, I, it would certainly there is, there's always a change. There are always things that are, that are new and coming. So, um, certainly pay attention to this site that we publish all of the, the new fun things that are happening there. Feel free to connect with me, Perry Monaco on Linkedin or follow me on Twitter at Elvis run. I'm always talking about some of the new things that are coming out and some of the exciting reports or, um, economic graph things that we have going on, all that kind of great stuff. Um, you can use me as, as a, as a conduit for that, but certainly you know, visit the visit the learn.linkedin.com site like I mentioned before as a really good Kickstarter for you to be able to help you build that profile and then visit mine for, for any additional uploads that you want. 

MP: 34:14 Excellent. Perry, this has been absolutely amazing. I, I'm sitting here thinking I want you back. I want to spend more time with you. I think it's incredibly valuable. So thank you so much for your generosity and being with us today. 

PM: 34:30 My pleasure Michael, anytime. 

MP: 34:35 You Bet. Thank you, everyone. This has been another episode of the successful bookkeeper. You can find all of the resources that we spoke about today at Thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com and please give us, give us some reviews, let us know what you think. You can go to Thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/reviews it shows you how to leave a review on iTunes and let us know what we can do to be better and what you also like about what we're doing. Thank you so much. And next time. Until then,

MP: 34:57 we'll say goodbye.