Episodes: Listen Now to The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast — The Successful Bookkeeper

EP84: Andrew Royer - Improve Your Productivity & Work-Life Balance

Written by Michael Palmer | Apr 17, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Running a bookkeeping business is not easy.

You will encounter many changes, so that’s why you have to create new habits to stay on top of your game.Andrew Royer, owner of Royer Accounting, has dealt with stress and frustration while building his company. To help him overcome his struggles, he was looking for support and inspiration from like-minded people then he found it by joining a mastermind group.

By learning new ideas from different people, he was able to implement successful strategies to make himself more productive and efficient without sacrificing time with his family.

Even creating a shorter to-do list that focuses on the most important things to accomplish in his day became a big game-changer.

Now, he feels recharged and happy every time he gets home to his wife and kids. 

During this interview, you'll also discover...

  • The importance of focusing on what's more important

  • Why changing your habits will make your bookkeeping business more successful

  • Why joining a community will give you support and inspiration

To learn more about Royer Accounting, visit here.

For his Facebook page, click here.

For his LinkedIn, explore here.


Michael Palmer: 01:27 Welcome back to The Successful Bookkeeper podcast. I am your host, Michael Palmer, and today's show is going to be a great one. Our guest is the owner of Royer Accounting, which is based in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. He worked as a software developer for 13 years, writing accounting software before making the switch to accounting. He then worked at KPMG in the client services branch while obtaining his CPA commerce CGA designation. Andrew Royer, welcome to the podcast.

Andrew Royer: 01:55 Thank you, Michael. Thanks for having me on.

MP: 01:58 Yeah, it's great to have you. And you know, I know you've been up to some really interesting things in your business and starting your business and learning and you know, hitting walls and getting over them, hitting more walls. But before we get into all of that, Andrew, tell us why you were interested in becoming a bookkeeper in the first place.

AR: 02:19 Well, as you mentioned in the opening, actually a, I started off as a software developer, so it wasn't my initial passion. I ended up writing accounting software, but I remember in my diploma course that I was taking for computers, I, my first accounting course, I remember thinking if I wasn't going to be a software developer, I could see myself being an accountant. But what really got me decided to take the plunge into it was that when I was working at KPMG, I was working long hours at two small kids, one more on the way. And I realized that after childcare costs the third kid and after taxes, I would be taking home a $500 a month for all the work that I was putting in. And so that's when I saw a Facebook ad, somebody was asking for a bookkeeper. And so I offered to do it for 500 bucks a month. They accepted. And I just thought that meant so much more sense.

MP: 03:11 Beautiful. And how, how has it been since you made that decision and took on that first client?

AR: 03:18 Well, it's been a challenge. I mean, initially we'll have, the funny thing is we ended up putting, in order to grow the business, I ended up pulling the kids right back into daycare. So then money became an issue and the stress to grow the business. And the other thing is it's just, it's a huge transition to go from being an employee to being an owner and realizing just like the lack of systems, the things that you just took for granted that were in place. I mean you had, you had such as an employee in such a small slice of the process that you didn't get to see the big picture, which is what I love about being on her as I am. I'm involved from the client from beginning to end. But it's also, it's a struggle because it's not what you're used to is not where your expertise we're in.

MP: 04:01 Yeah, it's interesting. And, and you know, you're, I can hear that your passion really is working with those clients. Like you like to see the end to end happening. But at the same time, you know, you as a small business owner, there so much, so many other things to do that sometimes you know, you think you're going for that, uh, that passion, then all of a sudden boom, it reps you back in, okay, I have to actually take care of some other stuff over here. I can actually do what I wanted to do. And that's a challenge that every small business owner and co encounters, like when you left your job, that was a big decision. You have three children. And I know when we first met, I think you were, it was either having a third or the four, I think fourth before it was the fourth.

AR: 04:48 Yeah.

MP: 04:49 Before. So, you know, that is a lot on your plate and you've already sort of alluded to that, but how did you get to the stage where he sort of said, that's, that's it. I am actually going to take the full leap. And what were, what were some of the things you had to do to prepare yourself for that?

AR: 05:04 Well, I've, I've always wanted to run my own business. I think, uh, I, when I was 12, we did a, like a fair in her neighborhood where we sold popcorn and we created rides and it's just something I've always wanted to do, but they just didn't know exactly what that business idea was. So I went down the career path and I just hated it. I think every job that I had, I just felt like I didn't set, I wanted to, you know, change the processes. They wanted me to do my job. So it was just, it was always a struggle working for somebody else. And so when this opportunity came up and essentially I realized, um, by staying home and wanting a kid that I was gonna make the same amount of money. And then I just, I loved that. I always want to do it and then just ended up in this opportunity where I was able to do it. But then of course, there's just been hustle, tourism, you know, I got to grow the business to be able to feed my kids, you know, not lose the house, a waistline maternity leave, you know?

MP: 05:57 Yeah. A lot of stress.

MP: 06:00 And how, how are you dealing with, like what do you do to deal with that stress, the, the weight that's on your shoulders?

AR: 06:09 I'm mostly, I talk it out. I actually got a, uh, another bookkeeper that I work closely with. Uh, we do a lot of discussing, uh, talking about the stresses and you know, sharing ideas and how to fix them. Um, I've got like a mini mastermind group where we meet once a week and then also we up to a pure bookkeeping mastermind group where we meet once a month.

MP: 06:30 Yeah. Well that's, you know, there's, there's something that I always come back to and have discussed when I, as long as I've been working with small business owners is, is the one or the enemies is doing it alone. And uh, and there's probably so many that are listening right now that are doing it alone. And so when you've, you've been fortunate enough to, to actually identify that you can't do it alone and you're using people around you that are supporting you. And just even having that ability to talk things through and sort of say, hey, this is when I'm going through releases the pressure valve a little bit so that you can have a little bit more clarity and not be paralyzed by stress or fear or whatever else. Is it in your way?

AR: 07:21 Absolutely. It's huge.

MP: 07:23 Now have you always been like that? Have you always been someone that sort of says, hey, you know what, I don't quite have the solution to this. I'm going to ask for directions. Or is it something that you've had to learn or, or create new behaviors?

AR: 07:36 Um, the hard part for me is finding someone to listen. Uh, I've always had a hard time keeping the thoughts inside my head. Uh, I find that whenever I have a difficult problem, I always need to talk it out with somebody. So I'm thankful they have, you know, my wife listened to me and most of the time, uh, about this kind of stuff and I've had, you know, and be able to meet some like-minded bookkeepers that are, are willing to share information with me, which is huge.

MP: 07:59 Beautiful. Well that's a, that's good. I'm sure that's what's keeping you in the game is that one thing is probably one of your superpowers.

AR: 08:08 Okay.

MP: 08:16 Now you, you've got, you've had some challenges. I mean, you've grown your business. Uh, let's talk a little bit about, you know, some of the things that you had to do to overcome the challenges of starting a bookkeeping business. That very first client was off of Facebook. I'm looking for a bookkeeper, uh, here, you put your hand up, you got that client. What came after that?

AR: 08:40 Well, initially I made the mistake, I think that a lot of accountants do. Making the transition from account accountant a bookkeeper. Is that a link? I think in the accounting world there's, there's a lot of, uh, thinking that like bookkeeping and simple. And when I got into it, I realized it was a lot more challenging. There was a lot more to it than I originally thought. So that was a huge learning curve. So all my, you know, the, you know, CGA training did not prepare me for jumping into bookkeeping. So that was, that was a huge challenge. And another, another challenge that I had with just the, the time management a, it took me a while to realize the difference between being busy and being effective. And so I would spend, I would spend a lot of as wasp, but email was a killer. I wish I could have, uh, eight hours disappeared just by reading, email, responding to the email. And then, uh, actually I had a period where I went two months without bringing in any bills, billable revenue and I couldn't, I couldn't pinpoint what they had accomplished in those two months. So I knew there was a problem and had to figure out how to solve that.

MP: 09:46 Wow. That, uh, that is an, there's a couple here that are really interesting. So let's talk about the productivity for a second. What, what did you do to overcome it?

AR: 10:00 Well, I ended up, I had a good timing and I ended up reading the four hour workweek. Um, and I took the couple of the tips in there that were just huge. So one of the things that they do, he talks about in there is to only check your email twice a day. And so once I implemented that, I think my productivity when I did more in the following week than I'd done in the previous two months. And it was just, you know, focusing on that and then, you know, just focusing on what's important, what's, if I only accomplish these two things, what are the most important things for me to do today? And I don't even remember what I was doing in those two months, but I know on this like the weeks that follow it was just so much more productive.

MP: 10:40 Wow. So you, so the two, so two big things that are sound really easy to implement is check your email last year saying two days, two times a day, which is recommended in the four hour work week, which is a great book. I've read it and got a lot out of it myself. Uh, so check the but, but bottom line, check it lesson set a number a, there's nothing in there that we know. There's nothing in there that is that burning that needs to be addressed. But we live in this world where we, we start to think that it is, and it's like my, with my wife and we have the cell phone, right? And I, I cannot stand beeping phones, distractions. I mean I have enough time focusing on one thing, let alone the distractions of, of uh, phone going, beep, beep, beep all the time.

MP: 11:26 So I always have my phone turned off. It's just literally, it never rings. And yet she's like, you know, pick up your phone. You're not, you know, you're not there, you're not there. And it's like, well, yeah, but I'm trying to be more productive, but yet it, we're in this world where we, uh, or age where we think that it should be just instant connection, you know? Whereas we go back 15, 20 years ago, I mean, you, you, if you weren't by a phone, you weren't by phone. And so that was it. So I love that you've implemented that. Number two is you're saying you, you have two things that you say every day that you're going to accomplish. Is that accurate?

AR: 12:01 Yes.

MP: 12:02 How is that shaped now the productivity that you have on a, on a daily basis?

AR: 12:08 Well, what it does is it allows me to, in the day I actually use that. I used to have it a long to-do less than I was just kind of being paid as long. And now when they do, they use one of those uh, one of two inch by two-inch stickies and I write on there my to do list for the day. And so what it allows me to do is focus on like what is the most important and ignore everything else. So there's a lot of interesting things that come in like or you know, somebody will ask a question about you're researching something and I find that especially research, I get excited about it, I want to research it. But really it's not a pressing need. Like, you know, it doesn't affect my clients. No one's paying me to do the research. I'm going to do that one day when I have some time. Not Today until it allows me to focus on like the most important thing that got accomplished. If I did those two things and will they go home smiling, then I'm happy with what I did today.

MP: 12:58 Beautiful. And I'm sure your wife is, is getting and your children are getting the benefit of that because you can walk, walk home or you know, punch out and be present with them and, and that's the whole point. That's why you're even working during the day, which you think a lot of us forget. Uh, that's the whole point. So don't go, don't go frazzled and burnt out back to your, your prize at the end of the day.

AR: 13:23 Right. I think human just being, being the owner of my own business, they see that already, you know, because it's just the frustrations of being an employee. To me it was a, you know, square peg, round hole. I just never fit. I was always frustrated. I was coming home complaining. And now even when I have a bad day, I mean it's, I'm still in charge, so I just feel so much better. And then to be able to accomplish what I set out to accomplish in the day, as you know, huge score. And I don't go home singing everything, but you know, we try

AR: 13:51 the you exactly. And I think you're on the right track where you're, you're not that far away from going home singing every day. Uh, cause really it's, if that's the objective, it's just a matter of putting the things in place that enable you to do that every day. So

AR: 14:08 I didn't Mike regularly read document and actually in Langley.

MP: 14:11 Oh, okay. I'm sorry. The uh, most of our more, most of our listeners are Americans. So the uh, the pro, no, so you're in Langley and I don't know why we had Siri there, but maybe your offices in Surrey is Royer county.

AR: 14:29 I actually moved into an office this year, so I will do that. Working out a home at home and the homes and Zuri oh, I moved into an office this year. Okay. Which was a challenge too. I could have mentioned that. Cause the rent, you know, like Tuesday increase expenses.

MP: 14:44 Yeah. How's that? So that say increased expenses, but have you seen a benefit to doing it?

AR: 14:50 Well, I mean, yeah, it's nice. I mean, especially meeting clients here, I would never meet anyone at my home, so we'd always have to go to Starbucks. You don't want help, you know, your everything finance information, you know like talking about their finances are, Boston is a little awkward not being able to find space to set. But yeah, I mean yeah it was stressful because I lost a, I finished a project and so my revenue went down and I just increased my expenses. That was stressful. But now that a double my revenue on back and a good place.

MP: 15:21 Yeah.

AR: 15:21 Back to where I was anyways prior to everything.

MP: 15:24 So Yeah. And would you have done anything different looking back? Um, with the decision to get office space?

AR: 15:32 Uh, I probably would have delayed it a little bit. I might've rented like in, in the fall cause like a month, a month instead of a two year lease. Cause then I could just, I could rent an office space when somebody was coming in into me, that kind of thing.

MP: 15:44 Yeah. And you know, when I met you, as I mentioned, you are, I think literally either your baby, we, we met at the seven secrets of growing your bookkeeping business, which is a seminar that I run. And I remember you saying your, you're like, I think your baby was about to arrive like either that day or the next day or it had just arrived.

AR: 16:04 Oh, that sounds about right.

MP: 16:06 Yeah. So I was like, okay, we better make this quick. Then I was like worried you're going to have to turn, flip and run to the hospital, which is kind of fun. But tell me why. You know, you, you came looking for help with your business. Why did you do that?

AR: 16:21 Well, there's a couple of reasons we're getting into it. Like I said, there was the switch from the, the mindset from employee to owner and just realizing that when you're working for somebody who us out, there's all these systems already in place. And I was looking at realizing that I needed those systems. It's just not something I had thought of. Um, and then the daunting task of having to create all worlds myself. And what was that gonna look like? And do I even know what, you know, what a good system looks like at, you know, I haven't done all this before. Uh, and at the same time, uh, there again a bookkeeper that they deal with, the amount of birch I'm was looking into, I think she actually just become a pure bookkeeping licensee and she was just raving about it. And so I was thinking I was having an highs at worth and I'm just a start up for a lot of the money to put out. And then, but she was, she had been in business for quite awhile and she was saying, you know, she wished she had had these systems right from the beginning. And so I pretty much, I see her as having a very successful business. I wanted to model that business and I saw some opportunity to maybe, you know, start off maybe, you know, learn from her and maybe even can try and use this to, you know, do it better.

MP: 17:34 So, yeah, that's, it's, it's interesting. And that's your, your superpower of going out and looking at and asking and talking things through with other people, people you respect, uh, your mentors, the people that your peers and, and doing, doing the research and figuring out, well how do I get there faster? And so, yes, Amanda Love Amanda. She's been on the podcast recently as well, so that's another episode I'm sure people will have listened to so they'll be familiar with Amanda. So what, what has been your experience now since sort of really committing to your business, committing to Roy, your accounting and then saying, okay, I'm going to invest in my business with something like pure bookkeeping, which helps you standardize your processes and you know, and, and implement things versus try and invent, reinvent the wheel. What is it been like for you now?

AR: 18:29 It's been huge. It's been a great help. Like I said at the beginning I was doing a lot about learning the actual bookkeeping process and I find that the checklist and the system, um, allow me to catch mistakes that I might have otherwise have missed, which was huge. Um, and then just the whole marketing process. I think I started using and I signed on a, I followed one of the steps in, I ended up signing on two clients within, I think it was a week or two after I'd, I'd followed the steps and then just, you know, doing a lot of, uh, networking and so forth. Actually, it's the last time we talked last few weeks. And then just the double net recurring revenue. And without the, without the systems in place, I don't know that I'd feel capable to be able to keep up with the increased workload.

MP: 19:22 Wow.

MP: 19:23 Oh my, my hat and everyone is, is cheering you from their car or computer or wherever they're listening to this right now. Uh, cause that's awesome. And I love seeing that often when I wake up in the morning, I'm always asking, you know, myself, what am I, you know, what am I up to today? What am I doing? And for a lot of my life, I, I, you know, I did lots of things that I like to do. But what I really love, Andrew, is I love seeing small business owners like you when, because when you're winning and doing the work that you do now, what's even cooler is that you're a bookkeeper. You help small business owners grow their business. So what's so cool about this is Europe bookkeeper, I like help you grow your business and double your business, but your job is to go and help a multiple businesses grow and double their business.

MP: 20:21 And so every single day that I wake up, I'm helping build stronger communities because small business owners do that. I'm helping a bill thriving healthy families because small businesses are, are the majority in our country, in North America are the businesses. Small business are what put food on the table. They're the largest employer. They're the ones that make all the investments. They are the ones that are innovating. So, uh, my, uh, small business really is the cure to so many of our world's problems. And so, you know, here we are kind of tooting our own horn over here, but I just love that story. Andrew and I, I wanted to highlight it and say, awesome, because you've, you're doing something that is having small business owners say, Hey, I want to work with that person because they're helping me grow my business. And so love it. Love it, love it. Love it. And what's that like, what's that experience been for you with your clients now that you have sort of more systems in place, you're, you're bringing on new clients, you're learning, you're sort of in the, in the process of growing your business. What is it been like for your clients? What have you heard from them? What have, what's the feedback been to you?

AR: 21:38 Oh, I mean, it's all been good. It's nice. The, um, um, I, I'd been thankful that, uh, uh, most of the clients that I've taken on, most of them have had great bookkeepers in the past. So I'm, I kind of take it as a compliment is that they not noticing a huge change in the service. Um, they've been working with people who've been in the industry a lot longer and, and the system has basically given me that experience to act the same way that they have. And that then the clients that haven't had a great bookkeeping experience are obviously blown away by all the information that they're getting. And the biggest thing is that, I mean, they just love it. They can, I would make myself available for my clients to be able to help them with the problems because it's my passion as well that I want a few of these businesses to succeed. And I don't want them worried to call me because they're worried about getting a bill. So I'm happy, I think, I believe why my clients are happy.

MP: 22:35 So Beautiful. And so with you, what would you say that your, is your, your, your w your competitive advantage, if you will, or what, what would you say when you're, you're, you're talking to a new client and you're, what's having them choose you?

AR: 22:53 Well, obviously I mentioned the pure bookkeeping system. Uh, I like pointing out to them that some of the things like the client manual that we get in them so that, that describes their business that they own, um, so that they're, as I grow, they're not going to have to re-explain themselves over and over again to my staff. Um, and then, but the biggest thing that I, I tell people, I think I would, if I wasn't a bookkeeper, I might've gone onto teaching. I just love to educate people and I think my clients love it as well. I love to sit down and make sure I explain things in common language and make sure they understand what's going on and want them to be empowered with their finances. And I let my clients love their, I mean, I, I especially, I do tax returns as well. And every time I do a tax return, nobody has ever gone. All my clients, nobody's ever gone over the tax return with them before. And I make sure they understand it before they sign off on it.

MP: 23:42 Beautiful. You know, it's, it's, it's just so simple, right? You Care, you care. And that that shows up and that's a winning formula into business. And I think it will only become more so in the future as things, as things become more automated and there's more computing and AI and all these things that everybody's talking about the shift in how business is being done. But it's just a gonna draw out that need of a human being that actually cares and can think laterally. Right. And think about, hey, what's this problem? It was just literally talking to a client yesterday and she, she does what's called profit planning for businesses. She's a bookkeeper, but one of her added services is profit planning. No, it's not what you'd think around just helping them be more profitable. She actually goes and looks at how at the business and does a bit of a SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and, and looks at the business and tries to find areas that are impacting their profitability.

AR: 24:49 And, and she found a company that was literally, they were at capacity so they couldn't grow anymore, uh, with the production and as well, their pricing had not been updated in five years. So there was like 25 literally she made some changes, did some research for this business owner. Within a very short period of time, the business revenue grew by 25% and there they made some investments and increased their capacity to near unlimited capacity for growth. That's because that owner over there across the street was not, was so busy working in the business that didn't have time to just stop and go, what can I do differently that's going to help me get where I need to go. And she provided that new set of eyes, she provided that new care for let's help, let's help you make more money to help you put more, more money in your, in your jeans here and have a fun, more fun. And so I just love that. And it starts with caring. You actually care. And uh, and so you know, Andrew's, your, you know, you could get swiped. Consider you one of the great bookkeepers because a great bookkeeper is someone who cares enough and cares about becoming really great at what they do but as well cares about the client and helping them get there. Cause at the end of the day, that is what you're there for us. Help them be more successful, be empowered and to put their business in a place that will have legacy and future.

MP: 26:16 Yeah, absolutely.

MP: 26:17 So you're doing great. You're, you're hitting walls. What's, what, what's, what are you tackling right now? What's your biggest focus for your business now in the next 90 days to 180 days, Andrew?

AR: 26:30 While surviving tax season.

MP: 26:33 Absolutely.

AR: 26:35 I'm still just in the growth phase right now. Uh, even though I've doubled my business, I'm probably um, still at maybe 30% capacity. So I'm still just focusing on growth. And then I would like to then transition at some point, hire some hire staff and I'm sure that it's going to bring on its own set of problems. So opportunities, both of them, both of them. So that's great.

MP: 26:55 So right now it's growth and your main growth moves are you're doing networking. Maybe talk a little bit about that, what you're going to do over the next 90 days to add, well 90 to 180 cause you're, you're doing, you're working on in the business right now cause you're fulfilling on tax season and that sort of stuff which is different for every country that people are listening to. So it's depending on when people are listening. But what, what are going to be your main moves to bring on new business to your, to your business?

AR: 27:27 Well I make it, I used to work at KPMG so I, there is a lot of partners and other accountants that I work with there. So obviously they're busy right now. A lot of them are anyways and, but my goal is to try and set up some meetings with them to deal with them, like talk with them after-tax seasons over. The other thing is I've actually created a, a mail out that I'm planning on mailing out. I'm actually just postponing it until the end of tax season. I'll be sending that out about 2000 cards in this area. And then just, uh, um, just focusing on networking, networking with financial planners and talking about joining a BNI. This will be an eye that's open. I won't say where to get in there.

MP: 28:09 Yeah, absolutely.

AR: 28:12 They're not the, they fill up pretty quick.

MP: 28:14 They do. They do. The good ones do. Yeah, absolutely.

AR: 28:18 I think that's it. That's my main area of networking for the next 90 days anyways.

MP: 28:23 Yeah. Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, you're going to crush it. I know that. And I'm gonna to look forward to hearing a, an update on that. How are all those four children doing?

AR: 28:33 Um, they're good. They're my oldest one's a challenge. Uh, so that's been our biggest struggle. That's actually our biggest struggle right now. Business suicide, that daily emails from the teacher on what he's done wrong for today.

MP: 28:48 Oh dear. You know, that's an interesting one. I was just having a conversation with a, someone, I forget a, I'll have to find out the name, my car. There was a bunch of people in this conversation, but they were talking about children of entrepreneurs and the school system is that you, you're demonstrating entrepreneurial and probably have some, you know, maybe it's genetic, I dunno, but you've passed that onto your children and yet you talk in a square peg in round hole. Right. It's like, is it surprising that your son is his son? Right?

AR: 29:22 Yeah. I have four sons. Yeah. Yeah.

MP: 29:24 Four sons. That's awesome. So is it surprising that they're like square peg and round hole right there in a box and they're like, hey, this ain't my game. You know, like, I do it my way, so I don't know how to, I don't have the answers, but I think it's, um, it's one of the challenges that I'm sure many entrepreneurial families have.

AR: 29:48 Yeah. Yeah. I definitely feel a lot of similarities. I was not a great student. I learned, but I don't remember getting in trouble in kindergarten, but

AR: 29:56 he's going to be a great entrepreneur then.

MP: 29:59 Yeah. You'll be even better.

AR: 30:01 Yeah, exactly.

MP: 30:10 Now we did, we sort of jumped over to a little bit, but you talked about your mastermind. So you, you lead, you have a couple of different masterminds. Talk a little bit about the mastermind with the other bookkeepers where you meet once a month. What has that been like and what are you getting out of it?

AR: 30:28 Well, I think it's, uh, it's great. I mean it's always interesting to hear what people's, uh, people's struggles are, be able to help each other with them. I get a lot out of just being able to throw my input in as well as I ask the question. And this is just, it's nice to be able to talk with like-minded people as you know, as opposed to my, my wife tries to faint interest, but she can only do that for so long. Um, and it's great to be able to talk to other bookkeepers at this love numbers as much as the rest of us do.

MP: 30:57 Absolutely. It's, it's um, it's powerful to hear and see people, I was speaking with someone just the other day where they, they just get so much out of seeing other people try something and then go, not even, even though those people aren't necessarily being successful at it, like it's growth, right? There's no like, oh, just turn this dial in. It's magically gets done. Growth in business, it's, it, it's different for everybody and there's similarities, but you've got to go out and try things. And really for her, it's just inspiring her to take the action to try it and progress because nothing, no growth happens inside of a comfort zone. No growth happens when there's not something being disrupted, right. It, it has something new, take new actions. And so just in the environment of being with others that are taking on through things is, is, is very, very powerful.

AR: 31:55 It also helps to challenge those preconceived notions when you throw up something like no one would pay, you know, x for that service. And then someone says, Oh yeah, I'm charging, you know, twice that, no, just as an example of, and then you just, you know, you're stopping your tracks and you have to rethink, you know, what's acceptable, what's the norm, and that can have a huge transformation on your business.

MP: 32:17 Yeah, it's, it is. And I, I've seen that happen to me, that has been one of my experiences is really seeing somebody do something that I thought was difficult or hard to do or wasn't even going to work. And as I, oh wait a second, you know, it's like, I almost, I think in the last four years I've gotten to the point where I'm like, you know what? I have my ideas, but I don't necessarily know which one's great. And I don't necessarily have all the answers are, in fact, I know I don't have all the answers and I'm willing to be challenged and pushed in the direction. And that's, you know that again, I, you know, unfortunately some of these things take time for me anyways to, to get from, I guess I call it wisdom, but you know, for a big part of my life, maybe a thought, you know, hey, I'm going to be a t trail blazer and have the answers and to be able to do it.

MP: 33:06 And so as I get older, I'm like, you know what? Let's go to other people. Let's learn from other people. Let's let other people contribute. Let's be inspired by other people. So I love, I love it, Andrew, that you've been doing this and also you're leading this group and you're involved in lots of different things that are supporting you in growing your business. I just have loved this conversation. I want to say to the listener right now, again, that you know, whatever you're doing today know that the fact that you're in this industry, what you're doing is making a big difference for your community, for your country, and helping small businesses a honorable thing to do. So today, celebrate what you do and be thankful that you get to do something. So awesome. And Andrew, that goes for you and thank you for bringing it up in this conversation. I'm going to love to have you come back. We've got to have you come back in a couple of months. Share that your business is like quadrupled over when we were speaking. Now you're at full capacity. You're tearing your out. You gotta hire staff. I can't wait to hear it.

AR: 34:10 Me Too. It would be great.

MP: 34:12 Yeah, that'll be great. Lots of roadblocks, lots of barriers, lots of hurdles. But we're here to help you and let's do it together as a community. Andrew, this has been great. Uh, maybe you know, where can people, if people want to ask you questions or connect with you, like is Facebook the Facebook group, The Successful Bookkeeper, the blessed place to cat connect with you or his, what? What's the way that you like to have conversations with your community?

AR: 34:36 Well, I'm, I try and get on the Facebook group as much as I can. A lot less now that I'm trying to focus on being more effective. If somebody really wants to get ahold of me, email is probably the best bat that'd be Andrew at Royer accounting, leading R.O. Y. E. R.

MP: 34:53 Beautiful and we'll have the links and contact information below on this episode so if you, if Andrew's inspired you and you want to ask Andrew questions or connect with them in any way, you can do that just by clicking below and Andrew from our audience, from our community. A big thank you for devoting your time in such a very busy time of the year to be on this podcast.

AR: 35:16 All right. Thank you for your time, Michael. Thank you.

MP: 35:19 It's my pleasure. Well, that wraps another episode of The Successful Bookkeeper podcast. To learn more about today's guest and to get access to all sorts of valuable free business-building resources, you can go to Thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com until next time, goodbye.