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EP310: Minda Zetlin - Creating A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Written by Michael Palmer | Jul 26, 2022 1:00:00 PM

“I suppose I didn’t get quite as many things done, but the things I got done, I did a lot better.”

-Minda Zetlin 
Too many of us feel like if we aren’t working all the time, we aren’t doing a good job. We don’t expect an immediate response to emails, but when we get one, we feel a need to reply immediately. Setting expectations and boundaries is challenging. But without them, we’ll never feel comfortable enough to take the time we need to rest and recover.
We spend so much time chasing our work, that it can begin to feel like we live inside it. When we start to carve out time for ourselves, the quality of our work improves as we are able to decompress and gain some much-needed objectivity and perspective.
When your communication is objective, you don’t have to fear how your clients might behave, only trust that you have already done everything in your power to get the best possible outcome. Stressing or trying to take the burden on yourself will only burn you out faster.
Minda Zetlin, author of Career Self-Care and writer at Inc.com is this week's featured guest. Minda is all about self-care. Teaching you how to combine your work and personal lives, to build a career you love, without being miserable. Her approach puts the human first, to help you set expectations, that’ll keep you sane and happy.
If you are struggling to care for yourself, or to figure out what deserves your time and attention, then this episode is not to be missed!
During this interview, you'll learn...

  • The value of clear communication in setting goals & boundaries
  • How to create a healthy work-life balance
  • The importance of taking time out to rest & get some perspective
Check out Minda’s website at this link.

Get her new book here.
Connect with Minda on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Time Stamps

1:58 - Minda talks about her career journey
4:48 - Cultivating a healthy work-life balance
9:18 - Focusing our attention in the right directions
13:11 - The world won’t stop if you do
17:50 - Setting goals and deliverables
21:07 - Getting communication right
22:22 - How to self-care in the workplace
26:40 - Thinking differently about our interactions
30:20 - The importance of unplugging