Episodes: Listen Now to The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast — The Successful Bookkeeper

EP145: Julie Daniluk - Healthy Habits For Your Long-Term Success

Written by Michael Palmer | Jun 18, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Health is wealth.

Our guest, Julie Daniluk, who is a registered holistic nutritionist, best-selling author, and media personality,
is a big believer in that saying.You see, it's easy to neglect yourself with all the duties and responsibilities that need to be done when building a business, but having a healthy routine and being willing to cutback a few foods can really change your life.

Julie helps thousands of people enjoy allergy free foods that taste great and assist the body in the healing process.

During this interview, you'll discover...

  • The importance of taking care of yourself

  • The 7 foods that cause inflammation

  • The benefits of having a healthy routine

To learn more about Julie’s programs, visit here.

To join her Hot Detox Masterclass, click here.

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For her Instagram, explore here.


Michael Palmer: 01:31 Welcome back to The Successful Bookkeeper podcast. I am your host, Michael Palmer, and today's show is going to be a great one. Our guest is a registered holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and media personalities, helped thousands of people enjoy allergy free food that tastes great and assist the body in the healing process. Julie Daniluk, welcome to the show.

Julie Daniluk: 01:56 Oh, it's so great to be here. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I love that you've built this great community that everyone can feel supported. It's such an important job.

MP: 02:07 Thank you. We're, we're, we're proud of the community as well. There. There are people out there helping small business owners and we know that when we help small business owners, we begin to solve some of the world's greatest problems, society's greatest problems. So they're, uh, they're our heroes in a way. And so I'm excited to have you on the show to share about nutrition and how we can help them. Not only, you know, when we think about nutrition or eating right, it's like, ah, yeah, we've got to do that to be healthy. But there's so many fringe benefits that come with, with being healthy and doing healthy things for our body, like productivity and energy and all these things that really help our listeners, I think in their day to day business in the and, and lies in what they do. So before we get into all that good stuff, tell us about you let our listener about you and your journey into nutrition and how you ended up making this your calling.

JD: 03:05 Well, I ended up, uh, fascinated by nutrition very early because my mom took me off cane sugar and artificial dyes and artificial preservatives when I was really little because I had attention deficit disorder and I also had a terrible issue with, uh, focus. So I had so much in the way of learning disabilities that my mom was like, well, what can I do to help my daughter? And she discovered the work of Dr Feingold. So by taking me off all these artificial foods, I couldn't believe it. My grades went from D's to A's overnight and I ended up having just such a wonderful awakening and could get a good night's sleep. I used to be an insomniac as a kid. Um, so that was my first sort of, I was lit up by nutrition and then I went to theater school to become an actor. And a really found a lot of my habits started to come up where I didn't have a lot of money, I didn't have a lot of time.

JD: 04:01 And I found myself reading more about nutrition than Shakespeare because I found my health started to go down and then went on a trip to Asia and boom. That was like the worst decision cause I ended up eating the wrong pad Thai and nearly died of food poisoning. And so when I came home, I had to double up my efforts to heal and thank goodness I had a huge amount of good nutrition draining to draw from and created my book meals that heal inflammation as a way to heal my own gut. And then many people have read it and absolutely love meals. I heal inflammation because it not only addresses inflammation of the gut, but let's face it, when you heal the gut, you heal your joints, your muscles. So if someone's in chronic pain listening, know that when we move to the anti-inflammatory food choices, we see a huge improvement in the pain and people really do get back to a productive life.

MP: 04:55 It's remarkable really, when you think of the human body and what happens when you put certain things into it and what can happen when you don't put certain things into it. Uh, I'm, I'm blown away by it and I'm, I'm really excited to hear some more about that and I'm just even so myself personally, uh, in the last mile, it's gonna be a year and a half about, I cut out Mudgee. I don't cut fully cut it out, but sugar, right. So I use sugar in my coffee. I would eat desserts regularly. I mean I just didn't really, I didn't eat a lot of sugary stuff. Like I didn't need a lot of soda drink soda or those sorts of things. But I, when I started looking at it, I actually was consuming a lot of sugar. So it's been about a year and a half of that and, and the, the change in immediately the change was remarkable.

MP: 05:53 Plus a ton of weight, which was probably Oh, influence. Like what do you call it, put you inflammation and retain retention of water, that sort of thing. But um, I'm really curious now that I've done that, it's like a step when we take a step, when I took a step in a healthier direction, it led to other steps and I did other things and investigated other things. I'm really curious for me personally at this episode to know what might be part of making sure that my gut is healthy. Like you said, making sure my gut is healthy, what can we be putting into my body and our listeners body that's gonna make us so much more healthy?

JD: 06:27 Yes, totally. I think the big thing to keep in mind is exactly as you've done. Are we willing to cut back on a few of those foods that we know were inflammatory? There's seven foods that we've identified that we know beyond a shadow without are causing inflammation and not just physical inflammation, but neuroinflammation, brain inflammation. Because we have more than eight teaspoons of white refined sugar. Our body actually we know creates more of these inflammatory markers called c reactive protein. So there's a wonderful study showing that as long as we keep our sugar down, and remember there's sugar hiding out in a lot of foods. So we have to watch the sauces. Things like ketchup is a big place where things hideout and a lot of salad dressings and unfortunate like conventional food has added sugar. So if we just avoid the added sugar and focus in on the whole natural produce items, then boom, we see a huge drop.

JD: 07:25 Did you know that the, they say that there's more than a 50% increase in depression risk if you have a very high sugar diet. And in total contrast, if you have a high produce diet, you reduce your depression risk by 24% so we could see as much as an 80% swing if we let go of the sugar and embrace a whole bunch of produce. So eating the seven to 10 veggies really buffers our body because it gives back all those missing vitamins and minerals cause how strange that sugar we think of as an empty calorie, but it's actually a robbing calorie. It's a, it's a thief because it needs to be metabolized. To use that empty calorie, you have to cough up your own B vitamins, cough up your own minerals that are normally with the sweetener but had been removed. And then you can spin that sugar through your Mitochondria, through your t to make ATP. We have to spend it through the Krebs cycle and we forget that that takes massive amounts of B vitamins. And where do we get that produce? So by entering the produce more in your life and getting all your B vitamins, boom. We see a big lift in our mood. So people want to battle back depression and grief and a ton of aggressive or anxiety symptoms. We really want to make sure that those antiinflammatory produce items are the, or the highlight of every meal.

MP: 08:59 Wow. You know, I will say myself and I, I'll invite the listener potentially that they have this a situation. When I started to look at nutrition, I looked at it in such a simple way. I don't know if it was my upbringing that it was just like, you know, you put this, you're going to put this stuff into and yeah, maybe it makes you feel this way or it's like almost not really realizing how it's impacting me. Like when you said it impacts us on a cellular level and our Mitochondria and all these other things. To me I was like, it was beyond me, didn't even think about it was just not the way I was. I was brought up and now just hearing you speak about it and also the journey of the last 18 months, it's like, wow, we have, I had no idea how it was impacting my body, didn't have a clue.

MP: 09:55 And I, I mean for the most part, very healthy, uh, all that good stuff. But yet there is this underlying unhealthiness that eventually there's gonna be time to pay up for the way, the way what I was being, and it wasn't extreme, but look, we all want to be healthy. We want to feel good. We want to be able to tackle the day and do the things, and we want to live long so that we can spend time with our family. What is the whole point, right? Yeah. So I'm really curious. You talked about the seven foods. I mean, yeah, we've hit sugar and I'm like, well, what are you guys at the top of the list? That's totally, so sugar is evil. The evil my cranny. I mean, this is, this is the crazy thing my granny used to tell me it's a poison. I'm like, Yag Randy, what do you know? You're right, I like sweet cookies. Come on granny.

JD: 10:46 Yeah. But if we really listen to the Diet of our ancestors, there was no refined sweeteners until about 200 years ago. So we existed for thousands and thousands of years on whole produce items. And the biggest sweet hit we could get was when we, uh, worked hard to, to invade a beehive and like get a little bit of honey or we binged on berries and the berries season. But now we see various is like the lowest sugar fruit you could never eat. So it's, it's, it's interesting. Um, let's get into that list of beyond sugar, which is number one. Number two is white flour because white flour becomes white sugar in your mouth. So there's virtually no difference between eating a piece of bread or having a bowl of pasta. It's extremely similar to having a bowl of white sugar because they've now realized that there's about two teaspoons of refined sugar equivalent in every slice of bread.

JD: 11:45 So that's where a lot of people, it's just in their blind spot because we've been told, you know, you can have many of carbohydrates too. At the day, but if you're not burning them off, um, that can be a problem. And also are you becoming intolerant to the strains of wheat that are available? Like I know that a lot of people have jumped on the Gluten-Free Bandwagon, but in large part is because gluten like wheat and other glutinous grains are not the same as they were in the past. Like just in the last 20 years they've been altered to be a variety of wheat that is harder to digest. So it is, it is important for us to just check, hey, if I take out the cookies, the bread, the croissants, the, the pasta, would I feel better? Or even just switching. I'm not asking people to get off of their convenience foods cause I know how important that is.

JD: 12:37 I always make sure someone has a cookie, a Muffin, a bread item. We just want to really look for recipes that have very low glycemic impact, meaning that they don't break down into sugars quickly. They don't elevate our personal blood sugar because when we drive our blood sugar really high, then insulin has to come to the rescue and we pump out a ton of insulin from our Beta cells in our pancreas, and eventually our cells get really tired and we are not able to have that good insulin sensitivity. We can't drive those sugars into the cell and therefore they start to attack the outside of our cell. And that's where the inflammation comes from. So there's the mechanism as to why white sugar and white flour becomes inflammation is because it actually damages the outside of ourselves. And I found it hilarious. What's the name of that is that there's a name for it.

JD: 13:27 When you have high sugar, high flour attacking, when it breaks down to Glucose and that glucose is attacking every cell of your body, then it's called advanced glycation end products. And what's funny is the acronym in the science world is age. So I like to say that sugar ages you on a cellular level. So it's so important for us to pull back on the white flour. White sugar, go for the lowest sugar, lowest real starchy products as possible. And that's why all my books, like meals that heal slimming meals, that heel and the hot detox are jammed full of lower carb, delicious recipes that, that they burn very slowly. So you don't require that same pop of insulin in order to utilize them. They have carbs, but they're slow carbs so that your system stays nice and happy. Archie high starchy high starch, right? Like so white, um, white potato, white rice, white bread, all of those.

JD: 14:30 They may be low in sugar, but the starch in there will turn into sugar when it hits your mouth. So you make this El Malaise, which is a digestive enzyme that splits the starch into sugar in about 30 seconds of chewing. So that's why some people are so addicted to bread is because for them it's their preferred form of sugar. They don't like the super-sweet taste. They like the starchy taste, but they don't realize that they're making their own sugar in their mouth every time they eat that highly refined starch. So that's why it's so good to reach for the slow starches. So when you think of a slow start too, it'd be like pumpkin squash, sweet potato, you know, something that has some starch, but there's, there's so much fiber by binding it that it just trickles into your system really nice and slow.

JD: 15:23 And that's what we're, we're gutting for. Okay. Yeah. So the next big one is potato chips and French fries. And I know that it's, of course, a very starchy carbohydrate, but why I'm concerned is that when you take that carbohydrate and you slice it thin and then you drop it into old frying oil at a very high temperature, you make this toxin called acrylamides, which is powerfully inflammatory. It's neurotoxic. It absolutely makes you feel awful. But so many people are addicted to French fries and potato chips. Like it's like wrestling a, a drug addict is to try to get people to break up with, with salty snacks like that. But the good news is you can have salty snacks. We just want to reduce the deep frying. So when possible go baked. And then beyond that, if you can try it on, there's a lot of snacks that are now dehydrated at low temperatures instead of frying. And that allows you to have the crispiness and the saltiness that you crave without having these refined carbohydrates fried at a really high temperature that we know is harmful. Yeah.

MP: 16:32 Wow. And one of the things I've learned is that in in the grocery store, often there are, there are these alternatives that seem like promising, but then when you know the marketing that's around it and what it actually is is not, so it actually isn't what, what they're claiming to be like. It's just more of the more bad stuff. How do we know, I guess it's research, right? And to know what in the grocery store is actually a green check or a or a red x.

JD: 17:05 Well, my big thing is just to go by nature because where we, where we break down is when man has created another chemical sugar substitute and they said, hey, you know, Saccharin is the solution about 30 years ago. And then we're like, aw, shocks, it causes cancer. And then they went on and they created aspartame. Oh, last pertains the solution. Well, no actually it causes metabolic syndrome and it causes a lot of neurological problems. And it can even have certain people have epileptic seizures. No, maybe that's not a good idea. And then we move on to the latest one, which is sucralose. Hey, sucralose is the answer. Let's go for that. Oh, oops. We attached a chlorine molecule to sugar molecule and a whole bunch of good bacteria and people's guts are dying and they're becoming more anxious and having more IBS symptoms. Shucks that that one isn't a good idea.

JD: 17:58 So that's my problem is when man thinks that we are better than nature and they just keep trying to design these, these low carb solutions. So I say, Hey, you know what? We have seen the natural solutions have, have virtually no side effects. Can we go back to the natural solution? So the ones that are really coming up in the news lately, which you may not have heard of, is monkfruit. Have you heard of monkfruit? It's amazing cause it's 100% natural. It's been around Asia forever. Monk Fruit. Yeah, it tastes amazing. So monk fruit tastes fruity. So a lot of people adapt to it. Um, doesn't have like the aftertaste, like I love Stevia, but Stevia needs to be put into something sour because it does have a tiny bit of a licorice aftertaste. And being raised in North America, we didn't really get that licorice note.

JD: 18:48 So in, in Europe, people take to that and they're like totally gung Ho for it. But here, you know, just hide it behind the lemon or hide it behind cranberry. So I make Stevia sweetened lemonade, which is calorie-free. It's really lovely. But with monk fruit being so fruity, you can put it anywhere and it tastes great. And there's virtually no calories to it because it's 200 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. So even though it's extracted from a fruit and it's completely natural, it actually is low carb by nature because you need so little of it to trick your tongue into thinking that it's had something sweet, but it hasn't had anything in the way of a heavy carbs. So you get your sweetness kind of satisfied, but you're not elevating your insulin levels ridiculously high and causing all these health problems. So it's been a big solution for me lately.

JD: 19:37 And for people who haven't found monk fruit yet, at least just making the switch from white sugar to raw honey is an amazing tool because raw honey actually has tremendous benefit. It's, it helps to nurture the right microbiome. It kills off, it kills off yeast in your system. A lot of people have access of yeast overgrowth, so I at least say, hey, there was even a study done with rats that I thought was really interesting. They had all these baby rats and they fed half the group sugar water and half the group honey water their entire lifespan. And at the end of their life, the sugar group were running around the maze, bumping into things, not able to figure out how to get through the maze. They totally lost their memory. They were suffering from dementia and when they tested their blood, they had a lot of stress hormones.

JD: 20:25 That cortisol was super, super high. And then with the honey group, not only were they able to find their way through the maze and totally have good memory because it didn't hurt them nearly the same way as sugar, but they also tested their blood and their anxiety was really low. Their stress hormones were kept really, really low. So just that simple switch, I mean, who couldn't just grab a nice raw honey, like it's a total easy solution. That's even in a regular grocery store. You don't have to find your way to a health food store for that one.

MP: 20:54 That is a simple move and honey is delicious.

JD: 20:57 Yeah, totally right. It's 20% sweeter than sugar, so you can even have less of it and have, you know, that sweet tooth really satisfied.

MP: 21:12 Beautiful. So we've, we've hit on I think three of the, the, the worst offenders. Yeah. And we've been dropping. Yeah. We've been dropping in a few of the goodies. So the, the, I love the honey one and monk fruit as well. I tried it and it was, maybe I was a, it was a little sweet. And so I uh, it, you know, it was one of those things that I didn't, didn't take too, but I get, it's like 200 you said 200 to 300 times more sweet. So that, there you go.

JD: 21:42 Yeah. So you've probably had way too much of it. So if you just like try it in your next, I'm a really great solution as to try like 100% pure cranberry juice and like sweeten a cranberry soda or something like that where it's like a safe test where you be like, whoa. Yeah, that really works when you have used just the right amount because too much sweet and your body goes what? But the right amount, it's awesome. So the next big one I want to bring up is Cola and other pops because Cola actually has this caramel coloring in it that has very negative cancer-causing agents in it, which people don't realize when they think caramel coloring, they're like awesome. All they did was take sugar and caramelize it at high temperature to create that beautiful color. But they don't realize that actually it has really negative there.

JD: 22:37 They're making it with ammonia and sulfites under high pressure and temperatures and they're creating these very long chemicals. Um, methyl, my goodness, it's like methyl. I'm de Zile like I can barely pronounce them, but these chemicals are very disconcerting and now governments have conducted studies showing that it can cause lung, liver, and thyroid cancer and leukemia and rats. So I really encourage people if they are going to have a carbonized beverage that they go with natural colorings, that's really important and thank goodness there's so many pop brands on the market that are moving to natural colors. Um, you know, their Stevia sweeten pop now that you can get off all the sugar and it's just so lovely to see that even the standard to be on named pop brands have put out their own natural versions. Like there's a lot of them that have the taglines zero at the end. Those ones will often use fruit colorings, um, or they'll use like, actually beet is a really place to get red dye from naturally. And then they'll use either stevia or Aretha tall, which is an actual sugar alcohol that's very low on the glycemic index. And that's been helping people break up with standard pop because pop can be a bit problematic. So yeah.

MP: 24:02 Crazy when you think about what, what goes into these products and psych a, a mad scientist making these, these concoctions that if you saw it being made, you wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole, but yet as like by other flatter. That is great.

JD: 24:18 Yeah. I think this next one might surprise you because it's being sold as a health food. So it really upsets me that people think that they're doing themselves good and that's microwave popcorn. So maybe we'll reach for it because hey, it's low fat and it's a really healthy fat because it's full of fiber. But it turns out that the artificial butter flavoring that's put on microwave popcorn is very unhealthy. And actually one of the most dangerous things you can do is to take the microwave popcorn out of the microwave and pull the bag open and breathe in super deeply because that actually, uh, the act of breathing in artificial butter flavoring, there's, um, a major lawsuit that's gone down in the states because the, the people who are in charge of manufacturing the actual butter flavoring, it was terribly impacting the workers who made it.

JD: 25:12 So all the whole bunch of workers there ended up doing a lawsuit as a group because they were getting so sick and yet hasn't been taken out of the food stream. And there's no, there should be a warning on the side of the bag that basically says like, please don't inhale deeply because people love the smell of microwave popcorn but it, but between the genetically modified canola oil and also the butter flavoring on the microwave popcorn, it's a real problem. So I encourage people to go back to organic popping corn made in an air popper and then you can put a healthy oil on top of it that tastes great. And if you want that butter flavor that's really addictive, using nutritional yeast will pop the dramatic amount of B vitamins onto your popcorn and make it taste absolutely delicious.

MP: 25:50 Wow. Remarkable.

JD: 25:52 Yeah. And I hope it's okay that I normally don't go this deep into this area. So I appreciate the chance to say something different. Cause you know when you go on, um, interviews, sometimes you get a sound bite and that's what's so great about having a podcast is, is to actually be able to get into the minutia of some of this stuff and help people understand why they want to let it go. Cause if they know why, then they have a much higher chance of having willpower when it comes time to make a choice.

MP: 26:36 Yeah. Well we might have to make this a public service and now you know, here, here you are, you currently on, you may be poisoning yourself, literally, uh, do not do this. So this is valuable. So keep going. I love it.

JD: 26:48 Oh cool. Cool. Well, the next one would be artificially dyed candy. And this one is so funny because how many times do you see on Halloween? Christmas, Easter, it's like every three months. We give kids this huge whack of artificial dye and artificial dyes actually created from cold tar derivatives. So let's just know that it's a petroleum byproduct that causes terrible neuroinflammation. So that's why my mother figured this out when I was eight, when I was seven. She read this book by Dr Feingold and when she realized how toxic dye was, she actually got me off of Red Dye, blue dye, yellow dye. And that's what made the biggest difference. And I really encourage you to just try to get off to dies. In particular, all the Red Dye that you see in candy and Yellow Dye is actually also known as tartrazine. And that can cause terrible childrens, like terrible issues with learning and attention span and aggression.

JD: 27:48 So when we take it out of the children's Diet, you'll notice their moods are more level, they can sleep better, they can study better, and they can also, uh, really have better word comprehension that you're gonna see a real job as my mom did with me. Like literally just escalate and, and just feel so much better. And the good news is there's so much fun candy that's hitting the market that uses carrot for the orange that uses beats for the yellow, for the red that uses cabbage for the purple. Like we are seeing these amazing companies doing the right thing. So I just say, Hey, I'm not saying kids don't deserve candy. I know that kids want to have fun and so to adults, but we can just shop even at a regular grocery store, just look for the no artificial dyes added, which is often a big marketing push that they're putting on the packaging just so that kids can be safe. And, and also people who are having neurological problems as an adult. I mean, how many times, I'm sure as a person who's crunching numbers all day long, do people like sit there and like munch on chocolate that's covered in and lots of dye or lunches, you know, we, we fall into wanting gummy bears and those kinds of sweet treats and just that simple switch would be a really healthy and easy thing to do.

MP: 29:08 I love it. And I think it's first, for many, it's going to be a room, not a prude awakening, a pleasant awakening. The, the, the impact that some of these things are having on their lives and some choices that they've made that they think were smart choices. It's like, whoop, Gotcha. You know, like Diet Soda, right? It's like, hey, this is healthy. I'm having drinking a healthy drink. And it's like, whoops, you got the aspartame and you got the caramelization, a sulfur, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's still garbage. So it bought their solutions, which you're, you're alluding to some of the solutions, which is great.

JD: 29:46 Yeah, exactly. As long as I give you something fun because people need two things. They need fun. They need variety. They need to know that they have their security of what they're used to. So if we fulfill on these needs, then change isn't so painful. It's when we say, yeah, you know, go off bagels and an all the toast and all your favorite treats. Like get rid of all of them. Go on a diet and you feel like you're in prison. That is enough to make anyone upset. You know, like they might last a few days before they're, they're just wanting so hard to bust out of prison. And when they do bus our prison, they'd typically binge. And that's why I'm like, okay, we got to get rid of the prison analogy altogether. We need to have find tons of substitutions for you so that you are like, Hey, you know what?

JD: 30:36 This tastes just as good as the other one. Why not make this switch and live longer and have like a lot of happy moments in between. Right? Like have a better experience. Cause I have to say I gave out refined sugar about 15 years ago and I cannot believe the difference when I accidentally get poisoned, say in a restaurant, I can tell within a couple hours I'm like, Whoa, what just happened? And I'll call the restaurant. I'm like, that sauce that you gave me, does that have sugar? Can you read that? And they'll go back and they'll read it and they'll say, oh no, no, there's no sugar. And then they'll read me like glucose syrup and dextrose and modifying Corn Syrup and I'm like, Oh, I guess you didn't understand all the versions of sugar. So I have to say that, wow, there's been a big movement afoot for people to have full disclosure on restaurant menus is happening in Europe and I can't wait for it to come to North America. Won't it be great when you can look at a menu and go, Oh wow, okay, I can eat that. Because just like when you buy food in a store, there's full ingredient disclosure. I think it's going to be great.

MP: 31:42 Well, I, I echo that and I'm thinking are, you know, as a, as I listened to that I'm thinking, you know, our audience probably they're busy people, but yet they pay a lot attention to the details. And so, which is a strength and the strength, I think armed with the right information, if this hasn't been a focus, like, hey, start to collect some data on what, what will make you feel better, what will give you longevity, what will help you be better in your, in your work and in your life and with your family? And then you'll be paying attention to that and that will create new, new outcomes for, for your life. Let's talk a little bit about some of the, uh, the things that we can, hey, if you're not eating this, you need to be, and it's going to lead to a better day if you just got more of this in your body.

JD: 32:32 Yeah, absolutely. So focusing on the positive now, the whole wrath, the podcast. Yeah. Healthy Solutions, right? We got all that negative stuff out of the way. So one of the superheroes in the world is Avocados. They're that they are the first food of children in the Caribbean for good reason because they're so high in nutrition. So you're getting everything from vitamin a through to some zinc is so good for you. And, um, avocados increase something called glutosiome pathways in your body, which is incredible for liberty toxifying for boosting and stabilizing your immune system. It elevates your mood. It's also just recently, cause I keep up on the journals, was super excited to see that Nava Kado dramatically reduces your appetite. So because it's so rich and fat and B vitamins, you feel so satiated after eating coffin, avocado that you'll eat less of other negative foods. So definitely use the avocado to out crowd things.

JD: 33:30 And I make a great key lime smoothie. I make a great key lime pie and the secret ingredient is Avocados and also make a great chocolate pudding, um, because the avocado substitutes any sort of need for cream and a wow, just so, so delicious. Like who doesn't love Avocado is one of the most love of a cock. Right? Absolutely. Great. Um, next one which will really help all those people who have major number crunching to do is sustainable fish because we want to have that high essential fatty acids. We want to have as much omega-three as possible cause it's so anti-inflammatory. It works like nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs actually works like an n set. So for those of you who are dealing with pain and inflammation, you want to reach for more herring and sardines and mackerel and all those tiny little fish that are super sustainable, grow really quickly so they're not harmful to to eat because a lot of people are worried about the oceans and heavy metals, but those are very safe fish to eat and it's also ridiculously high.

JD: 34:36 And this Omega three which boosts your Serotonin, so it helps to battle back sadness and really helps you feel really good. And of course, fish is one of the number one natural occurring sources of vitamin D. So sustainable fish is great for seasonal effective disorder because of that. Vitamin D, vitamin D's important to make sure that we have good circadian rhythm and that we're able to make enough serotonin to keep the depression at bay, which is great. Now I'm moving on to a really fun food is mushrooms from Asia, whether it be Shataki, mushrooms, men's hockey, mushrooms, all those beautiful mushrooms that you see in the exotic food section of your store. You can have them dried, you can have them fresh, but those really good wood mushrooms are exceptionally high in something called polyphenols that help to protect your liver and help to really battle back your appetite.

JD: 35:30 So it's wonderful for slimming down. It's wonderful for protecting your heart, for balancing your system as well. And for those of you who have taxis and coming and need real focus, know that there's a special mushroom called lion's mane mushroom that's being studied for being a nootropic. It's called a nootropic because it actually helps to fuel the brain with extra energy so that it can really focus and have exceptional memory. So if you're really feeling crunched, then lines mean t is extremely popular. Um, it's delicious. It's easy to find. In the health food store. Just look for it. Powdered and a yeah, you just add a sachet to water and enjoy. So that's been a big one for sure. The one from Italy is artichokes. Artichokes are so good for you. They're great. Um, artichokes are a great weight-loss food because of their exceptionally high fiber content.

JD: 36:28 And did you know that if you avoid eating a lot of sugar and starch, the artichokes will actually help you make more ketone bodies. And you may have heard of the ketogenic diet. Well, ketone bodies actually help to feel your brain and help you feel fantastic. So a lot of people have been enjoying more asparagus and more artichokes. But the last thing about artichokes may surprise you. It heals the stomach lining, reducing all alters and helps to perceive other things as sweet. It changes your taste buds so that anything you eat 30 minutes after eating artichokes will taste sweeter. So if you take a sip of water right after eating some lovely artichokes from a jar, like a lot of people just buy jarred artichoke carts, then you'll notice that your water tastes insanely sweet. Just kinda cool. Yeah. And of course, if we're in Italy, we can't really move much farther than talking about garlic because garlic is ridiculously good for you.

JD: 37:23 It's a strong antibiotic, antifungal. So it's really good for balancing your microbiome and also fantastic for reducing cholesterol and, uh, just overall fights, inflammation. So that's probably why the Italians, places like Sardinia, they're living the longest of all the people on the planet because of their amazingly buyback lifestyle, their high produce, a little bit of wine and some good amount of garlic and they're off to the races. That's one thing that'd be really fun to talk about is where the, the one thing that links all the long living people. So the, you know, you've heard of the blue zones, probably the longest living people are from, so Denny Italy, they're from Greece, they're from Okinawa, Japan, they're from um, the w the, the west coast of the states and they're from Costa Rica. There's five these blue zones of the longest living people. And they all have one thing in common.

JD: 38:19 They're lucky enough to live close to a coastline where they're getting a lot of fish, a lot of fresh fish, and that's very, very high in that Omega three. And then they have a very strongly plant-based diet, even though they have a little bit of of a Omega three rich free-range meats and stuff. And they do have lots of fish. They really have a huge focus on vegetation. So if we really remember that we want to have lots of dark leafy Greens, like one of my favorites is a rubella or having spinach or having something that we know has that extra power of nutrition, um, that one's just great. It really helps to knock back that inflammation and give you these special phytochemicals that will help your liver really purge a lot of toxins for sure.

MP: 39:09 Wow.

MP: 39:14 You know I, the things I did at the bulletproof coffee. Oh Nice. So I'm curious what your take is on that. It's been about eight say same time I cut out sugar, I started like March 1st, 2018 but in the last couple of months I'm noticing just some things where I've, I've thinking either I'm like low on vitamin D or I'm not getting enough of something. Right. It just feels like I've actually lost a bit more weight and bit of insomnia. And so this has been great for me to listen and thank, you know what? I think there's just more fresh fish, more uh, vegetables. And some of the other things that you mentioned, I took a bunch of notes I think will be helpful. But what's your take on the, on the bulletproof diet?

JD: 39:58 Well it's so interesting that you spoke to the insomnia cause that's my only thing is I love the idea of, of helping to push your intermittent fasting. So a lot of people will break their fast through the night because you fast for eight hours minimum and there'll be able to extend their fast slightly by having this a fat in coffee. Right. So they've broken their fast officially. Cause you're, you, you obviously have had something but nothing that spikes your insulin. So you've been able, that's probably why you've had such a great weight loss. Right. My only issue with bulletproof coffee is we have to keep in mind that it is a quarter of a cup of fat, which not everyone digests well. So there may be some digestive issues that start to crop up because you having two tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of coconut oil, it's a lot of saturated fat.

JD: 40:50 So some people who follow the, uh, this regime will notice that the next time they adds a cholesterol check to their doctor's like what that, because they've had so much butter. So I always say like, could we kind of cut back the butter a little bit and have like one tablespoon, one tablespoon instead of two and two. And could you switch it up so that you don't have coffee on your days off and that would rest your adrenals. And you might notice that you have an excellent sleep the nights that you skip the, the coffee. And if you love the flavor, then you could do organic. Fairtrade on caffeinated coffee if you are just doing it for the flavor. But if you're doing it for the buzz and you're doing it for the energy, then it up and having other sources of energy is also a really good idea.

JD: 41:37 So I like um, you know if we look at green tea it has one third the caffeine of coffee. So doing like a Matcha Latte, having a, you know, if you want to total day off and you want to see like what is my energy really like when I'm not pushing my adrenals hard than having like a tumor cloud day on your total day off where you can just lounge around and like read a book and like totally rest. You'll notice you'll sleep way better cause you just don't have the caffeine in your system. So I'm worried that caffeine might be, might be messing with your sleep cause we forgot that the half-life on coffee is 12 hours. So sorry. No, the half life on coffee is four hours. So the full effectiveness of coffee is eight to 12 hours depending on how fast you metabolize caffeine. That's a big deal. So if you're having a coffee at two, there's no hope in heck you can get to sleep at 10 like your body just won't let you cutout.

MP: 42:27 Totally cut out caffeinated anything after I just did the one in the morning and I was actually, because of the butter and the other stuff you put in at it. It, I'm like I really like a bold red wine or a coffee, dark chocolate. So I was putting way more coffee in there. So I was actually, you know, it was like, cause I self grind it and put it in a narrow press and so it was like I've actually started to dial that back too. And so, but I haven't been taking breaks. I do book, I've done bulletproof coffee every single day for eight, like 18 months. So maybe I need to like cut out once or twice a week then have something else like maybe a, an Earl gray or something like that. Even decaffeinated, uh, it's good advice.

JD: 43:12 Yeah. Yeah, definitely. It definitely helps. And also consider if you need more energy authentically, what kind of adaptogens could you be using? Like is there a Siberian Ginseng or Ashwagandha or one of these herbs that give you energy without stimulating your adrenals? So it's kind of authentic energy instead of like that spiky energy that a lot of people live on. Like, Hey, for this podcast I'll have you know, a little bit of espresso or something to have my mouth work better, but when you're not on and you can sort of just work at a human pace, then those other adaptogens are healthier than stimulating constantly. And if you need a little help to get to sleep, pumpkin seeds as your last snack or cherries are both things that really do help. Um, with authentic Melatonin expression. Interestingly enough, pumpkin seeds are high in Tryptophan, which expresses to like you don't defend as the building block of Melatonin, your sleep hormone, and then cherries actually help to transport the trip, defend to the brain so you have much better sleep. And funnily enough, Cherries also have a naturally occurring Melatonin. So one of the last snacks that I'll have if I'm, if I have a stressful day is like a small bowl of coconut yogurt, top Pumpkin seeds and a couple cherries and that just tastes ridiculously good and also helps me sleep deeper. So that's fun.

MP: 44:37 That's very good. Yeah.

MP: 44:46 This has been incredibly interesting and daunting and as well exciting about my personal, you know, the things that I'm putting in my body in some great ideas to go and try and experiment with, to bringing into my diet to make me feel healthier, to give me energy and I really on behalf of our audience, want to thank you first of all for that. Before I let you go though, I would love to get some fast action ways to get more information from you about doing this. You've got a bunch of books, you got recipes. I mean this episode could probably go on for hours and you've got so much knowledge. What is a great way a stepping stone for our listener to take into transforming a new, a new era for their life and nutrition with you? What would that look like?

JD: 45:43 Well, I have a lovely master class coming up where I'm teaching people how to cleanse with food and it's just a fun, easy for part masterclass. So if you want to jump on that, we can provide them a link. That would be really fun. And I do of course work with clients by having programs that I run for 21 days up to 100 days depending on how deep you want to go. Um, we have these lovely programs that I'm very happy to, um, have links provided. And of course on social media, I am constantly staring the latest studies cause I wake up in the morning, some people read the paper, I read the nutrition journals, like I love it. So I'm always posting the coolest, latest facts on there. So if you go to Julie Daniluk on Instagram or on Facebook, that's often where people will find me.

JD: 46:32 And we run these really cool Facebook live, uh, shows called meals at heal TV where you can actually ask me live questions and find out really cool information along the way. So I do hope that people jump on the opportunity to be in the masterclass. And if you ever subscribed to my newsletter, you get actually five cooking classes for free. And you also get, um, a ton of cool recipes that I mail out one every week. So you're not overwhelmed, but you get to try on new delicious foods that are coming down from the TV segments that I do.

MP: 47:07 Wonderful. All sorts of valuable resources to take this on. And I, I challenge you, the listener, do something new if it inspires you, take something one thing, change it up in your diet as per the the long list that we've created and see what happens and see what vitality it brings to your life, uh, and the work that you do and your family. And, and let Julie be one of your mentors in, in that journey. And for those of you that do that, I'd love to hear about it. Share on The Successful Bookkeeper group and Facebook, what you're taking on in terms of your nutrition and, and what's the outcome. If you've done something where it really has impacted you, share it with the rest of the community, let them know the impact that it's having on your life. And, and let's make this a something that other people can get access to. And the healthier are the more we can enjoy the life, uh, and business that we're building. So Julie, thank you so much for being on the show. Today was awesome. I learned a ton and I know our listeners did as well.

JD: 42:04 Cool.

MP: 42:05 And with that, we wrap another episode of The Successful Bookkeeper podcast. To learn more about today's guest and to get access to all sorts of valuable free business-building resources, you can go to Thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com. Until next time.

MP: 48:28 Goodbye.